Empower your project with team extension

We build remote dedicated teams tailored to the specifics of your project and performance expectations. Get your new IT team on demand!

When do companies choose to work with remote developers?

There are certain circumstances when hiring a remote team of developers is worth it.


When it’s difficult to find talent locally

The scarcity of talent is a widespread issue in areas such as Scandinavia, but fortunately, team extension provides access to an abundant talent pool from across the globe.


When you lack expertise in a certain field

It often occurs that companies embark on projects involving cutting-edge technology, yet they may lack the necessary experts on their team. Team extension offers a solution to connect your business with the required IT specialists.


When you need to start a project fast or accelerate an ongoing process

Team extension facilitates the acceleration of project work by effectively doubling the workforce. By establishing a remote dedicated team, you can have confidence that your project is in capable hands.


When you don’t have enough resources to manage the administrative and legal aspects of hiring new developers

Hiring procedures consume a lot of time and money. Companies often prefer to pay someone else for dealing with all the formalities.